In Judaism prayer is to help you connect to your better self... including through appreciation of all around you by appreciating Gd.
That should help you feel stronger, more centered, and more able to search for your path.
In Judaism we don't as often prayer for specific things. As a community we pray for peace a lot. Individually, there isn't an expection that Gd will grant things because you ask for them. It's more that by putting faith in Gd, and letting that strength flow back to you -- you can look for practical ways to make it happen.
There's a joke...
So things in the world were bad. And Gd got upset and decided to end it all. So he sent out the message that in 2 weeks there would be another great flood.
The Priests & Ministers gathered their flocks, to tell them the bad news. They reminded them, that it's good news too, because in 2 weeks they'd be meeting their maker. So everyone prayed & remembered Gd's love for them & asked him to continue it & made their final actions in life.
The Imams gathered their people to tell them of the news. They too reminded everyone the key is submitting to the will of Gd. They all prayed, many made their final pilgrimage to Mecca. They made amends with each other & their final actions in life... as they looked forward to & hoped to be granted their award in heaven.
The Rabbis gathered their people to tell them of the news, that Gd would be flooding the earth, so we have 2 weeks to learn how to live underwater. Some people were assigned to prayer in sack cloth & ashes in the hopes of changing Gd's mind & gaining guidance (insights) into how to move forward. Others to work hard on a new underwater lifestyle. A few Rabbis interrupted to tell a dissenting opinion, that Gd wanted us to learn to life in the air, not in underwater. Several splinter groups formed to follow that idea.
The Torah reads as a book of relationships with Gd where the Jewish people argued, debated, changed Gd's mind, and took many actions to move their lives & relationship with Gd forward. That's how Jews interpret the bible -- for everyone their relationship with Gd. In that environment is how Jews pray.
So if you want a job (much success to you)... then you can pray. Also study Talmud or some other texts to look for ideas (there's a lot of good stuff in there)...or comfort. You can talk with others to see what wisdom they have to offer through Judaism. You can talk with others about your praying, and find out what advice they have for looking for a job.